Indian agriculture will continue to be the backbone of Indian economy. With variety of agricultural crops grown year around, we have ensured all time highest food supply by producing over 278 million tons of food grains (2017-18).
We have significant achievements in milk, vegetable and fruit production but more is required to achieve nutritional security. Increasing population, depleting agricultural land, climate change, water shortage and quality food products at competitive rates are going to be important issues in future. To meet these challenges and provide food and nutritional security to our people, it is important to diversify beyond cereals and pulses diet. Mushrooms are one such component that problems of quality food, health and environment related issues. Moreover this agri-enterprise is not dependent on availability of productive land.
The shiitake Lentinula edodes is an edible mushroom native to East Asia...
हिम्मते मर्दा मददे खुदा
जगदीश चंद मशरूम के उत्पादन से नौकरी लेने वाले नहीं देने वाले बन गये हैं। इन्हें शिटाके मशरूम की खेती के लिये प्रेरित किया गया । जगदीश क्षेत्र व प्रदेश के अन्य किसानों के लिये एक सफलतम उदारण है।
शाबाश जगदीश.
आज परियोजना के सिलसिले में पराहू आने का सौभाग्य प्राप्त हुआ। वह गाँव के अत्यन्त प्रगतिशील किसान की जगदीश वर्मा जी जो कि VDS के अध्यक्ष भी हैं, से मुलाकात हुई।
यह जानकर अत्यन्त हर्ष हुआ कि श्री वर्मा जी जो मशरूम की खेती कर के स्वय के लिये तो आजीविका कमा ही रहे है, अपितु पूरे क्षेत्र के लिये भी प्रेरणा स्रोत है।
मे उमीद करता हूँ कि श्री वर्मा जी अपने साथ - 2 गाँव के अन्य परिवार को सो मध्यक्रम की खेती के लिये प्रेरित करने और JICA वानिकी योजना की मदद से गरीब परिवार अपनी आजीविका कमा सके शुभ कामनाये।
Visited The mushroom Production Units Mr. Jagdish Verma on 9.1.2020.
I am proud with the technical knowledge as entrepreneur of Sh. Verma’s. He has successfully established the unit.
Such models need to be popularised as means of self-employment to any educational youth. My best wishes to Sh. Verma Ji.
Visited mushroom cultivation unit managed by Mr. Jagdish Verma, Very good innovation.
and source of inspiration to youth of the area. His work is showing new paths to the success. His dedication towards the work is on matchable.
I wish In all his future endeavours. May his small efforts may be able to give big results and generate all the sucess.
मुझे आज श्री जगदीश वर्मा जी से मशरूम फार्म हाउस मैं उनकी सफलता की कहानी का वृतांत संकलित करने का अवसर मिला यह सुखद आश्चर्य की बात है।
की इनका परिवार सामुहिक रूप से इस कार्य की बढ़ाकर बिलासपुर जिला के प्रगतिशील किसान बनने की दिशा में अथक परिश्रम कर रहा है ।
18 से 22 घंटे तक कार्य करने वाले श्री जगदीश वर्मा जी को मेरी और मेरे सहयोगियों की और से हार्दिक शुभकामनाये ।
Today we have visited in this farm & Meet to Shri Jagdish verma Ji regarding mushroom,
They told all the matter for bwrum & laltculer way.
We really Oppriciate for his havfcass wrata in this field.
It's Been a pleasure to visit this Mushroom Plant. Very Good by the owner to achive.
So i'm a Short span of time. Even I'm planning to set up Mushroom Farm in Karnataka or Tamil Nadu.
To have on Idol I visited this plant. I got om idal and very much impressed. Edit very hygiere and planed. Good Job!
Visited Mushroom Cultiration Unit Managed by Mr. Jagdish Chand Verma Very Good.
Shri Jagdish Chand's expenerce of Growing Mashroom is an example of dashing Former income.
Started wilt 20 boys initially of Mashroom Cultirata rcse the numbers to 600 in 2017 carrently 1700 as of today earip on an average Rs. 50,000/- per monh KVK Berthin Contri sutiev's towords attaivig
this suico is are towords attaivit this & uico is are work appricci altow keep up and become role model for oner farmers also.
Highly satisfied to see former who learnt- ABC of mushroom cultivation in 2008 at - 1 CAR DMR Solen.
He adopted all the principles of mushroom to become a successfull mushroom grower Entrepren He started mushroom londuction at a very small nate in 2008 Newly & gradually entenced the priduction.
He equally bait autentas towards me marketing and today earning nearly Rs. 10 lakrm per annum. I sincerly wish he must further grom he very happy to see The Sheem. I wish him all the sucess in his life. Excellent - Dear you keep it up.
Today we visited verma Mashrooom regarding sharting If the Mushroom Plant.Everything was well managed in the plant.
Plant was very neat & Clear. The quality of the mushroom is also very good.
I appocate the efforts of Verma Mushroom for establishg sich plant in the aver. I wish him all sucess in future.
Excelent work in farming rector Now days when people have ler space can achie a lanch him finical targete by farming like this type Tunite. I wish the bent to Mr. Jagdish Ji For future.
In India, button mushrooms are grown seasonally and in environment controlled cropping houses. White button mushroom requires 20-280 C for vegetative growth (spawn run) and 12-180 C for reproductive growth. Besides that it requires relative humidity of 80-90% and enough ventilation during cropping.
Major challenges in the production of mushrooms from the study included lack of financial support, marketing problems, lack of space for production, training, quality of spawns and substrates, temperature control, mushroom diseases, people's negative attitude and water shortages.
Investment required for growing mushroom You will have to spend Rs 10000 to Rs 50000 on a small scale. For large scale Rs 1,00,000 TO Rs 10,00,000 can be your investment.
Solan, Shimla, Kullu and Sirmour are the main mushroom cultivating districts in the state. Young farmers are learning from progressive mushroom producers. They also get good compost and mushroom spawn here at this farm.
Agaricus bisporus come in white and brown varieties and are by far the most popular mushroom in the United States, thanks to their mild flavor and propensity to blend with whatever dish they're added to. Sauté them in white wine and butter for an extra rich side dish.